StoryMOOC The Art Alphabet Quest

My Location Based Game idea is more of a foundation for players to build their stories onto, I think it is versatile, can be played by all ages, can be adapted to any location or language, can be hi-tech or simple pen and paper clues. It is called **The Art Alphabet Quest**
The idea is to find art for each category in my alphabet, write or film why you chose it and then offer up your completed alphabet with locations for someone to follow literally from A to Z. For a school trip to a gallery, students could find their own choices using the alphabet in the morning then after lunch use another student’s alphabet to have a new experience of the art.
**A** Find art that AMAZES you
**B** Find art that you’d like to BUY
**C** Find art that you want to CLIMB onto
**D** Find art that makes you want to DANCE
**E** Find art that makes your EYEBROWS jiggle
**F** Find art that is FRUSTRATING
**G** Find art that makes you GIGGLE
**H** Find art that makes you feel HUMBLE
**I** Find art that IRRITATES you
**J** Find art that makes you JUMPY
**K** Find art that you’d like to KEEP in your pocket
**L** Find art that is LOGICAL
**M** Find art that you could MAKE
**N** Find art that makes you feel NOSTALGIC
**O** Find art that makes you feel OPTIMISTIC
**P** Find art that makes you feel PEACEFUL
**Q** Find art that is QUIET
**R** Find art that REPRESENTS your personality
**S** Find art that SCARES you
**T** Find art that TEACHES you something
**U** Find art that is UNFAIR
**V** Find art that is VAST
**W** Find art that is WHIMSICAL
**X** Find art that sounds like a XYLOPHONE
**Y** Find art that you think is YOUTHFUL
**Z** Find art that you think reaches a ZENITH